2015 / 12 中国 上海 MAO Space

由刘钢担任策展人所呈现的艺术家孙捷当代首饰个展—Sun Jie & Jie Sun 2015年12月5日于上海MAO SPACE开幕。这是品项与艺术家孙捷第三次合 作举办展览,此次个展汇聚了孙捷近5年(2010-2015年)来十几个系列的代表作品,其中不乏已经被美国休斯敦美术馆与荷兰CODA当代美术馆永久收藏的作品“迷彩”和“大鱼”。更值得一提的还有2015年最新的系列作品Young & Beautiful(花样年华),是孙捷与捷克国际水晶制造商宝仕奥莎(PRECIOSA)合作的作品。该系列作品照片由荷兰摄影师Thomas Aangreenbrug拍摄。

CLOSE TO ME, the solo exhibition of Jie Sun, curated by Liu Gang, was hosted in MAO Space in Shanghai opening at 5th December 2015. It exhibits selected more than 10 series of contemporary jewellery from Jie Sun which are created at the past 5 years (2010-2015), spotlighting the quality and development of his creation. As the one of most outstanding contemporary jewellery designer, Jie Sun actively engages in both European and Asian design culture, as designer/artist, researcher and curator. On this exhibition, his newest unique collection YOUNG & BEAUTIFUL is the collaboration between the artist and the brand PRECIOSA. All the photos of the artworks are taken by Dutch photographer Thomas Aangreenbrug.