September 2015, Dashilar, Beijing, China

2015年品项团队再次担任北京国际设计周荷兰项目的展览执行团队。由荷兰驻华使馆和北京国际设计周组委会携手推出的“未来城市实验室 – 培蕴之屋”,于2015年北京国际设计周期间面向公众及所有寻求共同建设美好未来的有志之士。培蕴之屋将开设在历史悠久的大栅栏胡同区内,在2015年9月23日至10月31日期间,培蕴之屋将汇集来自中、荷两国的二十余位顶尖设计师对于创建美好未来的灵思妙想,并推出系列展览、演讲、会议和活动,荷兰国王前往参观。

The Pin Projects has worked with Beijing Design Week -Dutch projects again. In this urban age, how can we be healthy and happy in our cities? And how should we nurture our cities, with clean air, water, energy, food, and more, so they can nurture us? Join us at The Nurturing House, home of the brightest ideas for a sustainable future in China and elsewhere, for answers. Situated in Dashilar hutong, in a large former factory, The Nurturing House welcomes all who seek to create a better future together. Be part of the conversation, connect to creative and innovative companies, and meet key people in sustainable urbanism from the Netherlands and China. Between September 23 to October 31, The Nurturing House presents series of exhibitions

lectures, meetings and other activities, the King of the Netherlands has visited the space.

Next City Living Lab: The Nurturing House is produced by The Pin Projects.